Neil J. Neidhardt

A.K.Rice认证顾问 AKRI-Certified consultant

Neil J. Neidhardt is a member of the A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, and is a past Board member and past president of the Institute.  

Neil is also a member of the Midwest Group Relations Center, an affiliate center of AKRI, and serves on its executive committee as vice-president.


He is an AKRI-Certified consultant and has worked on-staff with numerous Group Relations Conferences, but Neil's greater interest in conference work (and Institute work) is the role of the "Conference Administrator" and the "container" responsibilities of managing the structures and boundaries that help groups and organizations function effectively.

Neil has worked as a counselor and social worker and chemical-dependency counselor; as an instructor in behavioral sciences; on the faculty of a post-graduate psychotherapy training institute; as an organizational consultant; and most recently as chief-of-staff to a university president.

Neil says, "I look forward to working with and learning from the Institute of Group Relations China."

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