Jeanne Woon

哥伦比亚大学师范学院咨询心理学博士 Ph.DinCounseling Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University.Psychologist

Jeanne MST Woon ()

Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University.Psychologist and Director, Counseling Center, University of Central Missouri.  Jeanne attended her first group relations conference(GRC) in 1994at Howard University and has been involved in group relations ever since: Learning from both staff and member experiential conference roles; conductinggraduateresearch and study; sharing the work by consulting to and training others; serving on committees with the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Groups and Organizations (AKRI); and co-hostingevents with Group Relations International.  She was Associate Conference Director for the first GRC in Beijing in 2014 and Director of Training in 2017, also in Beijing.  She is a former Chair of the AKRI Training & Certification Committee and currently serves as a Mentor.


哥伦比亚大学师范学院咨询心理学博士。心理学家兼中央密苏里大学咨询中心主任。 Jeanne于1994年在霍华德大学参加了她的第一次团体关系会议(GRC),此后一直参与团体关系:向员工和成员体验会议角色学习;进行研究生研究和学习;通过咨询和培训他人来分享工作;在A.K.莱斯团体和组织研究所(AKRI)的委员会任职;并与国际团体关系组织共同举办活动。她于2014年在北京担任第一届GRC的副会议主任,并于2017年在北京担任培训主任。她是AKRI培训和认证委员会的前任主席,目前担任导师。

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