Jeffrey D. Roth, MD, FAGPA, FASAM, FAKRI

芝加哥大学医学中心精神病学讲师、拉什大学医学中心兼职精神病学教员 Lecturer,PsychiatryUniversity of Chicago Medical Center,Adjunct Faculty, Psychiatry, Rush University Medical Center

芝加哥大学医学中心精神病学讲师;拉什大学医学中心兼职精神病学教员;成瘾与康复团体杂志前任编辑;Working Sobriety项目医疗主任;私人执业心理治疗师;芝加哥团体和组织研究中心会员、前主席;A.K.莱斯社会体系研究所荣誉会员。
Lecturer, Psychiatry, University of Chicago Medical Center; Adjunct Faculty, Psychiatry, Rush University Medical Center; Past Editor, Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery; Medical Director, Working Sobriety; Private Practice; Member and Past President, Chicago Center for the Study of Groups and Organizations (CCSGO); Fellow, AKRI.

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