
北京大学心理学博士 个人执业精神分析取向个体咨询师、团体咨询师 PsychologyfromPekingUniversity; psychoanalytic therapist in private practice for individual and group therapy

刘瑾 博士

北京大学心理学博士;个人执业精神分析取向个体咨询师、团体咨询师。2014年起,参与塔维斯托克模式团体关系相关工作,完成中国心理卫生协会团体专委会(DGCGT of CAMH)举办的团体关系会议顾问系列培训。在数次团体关系会议中历任文化翻译、受训顾问、顾问、会中行政助理主任、大型学习团体顾问组长等角色。2022年作为主任组织了2次团体关系模式的体验活动,是2022年中国与世界团体关系会议的顾问及其机构活动的召集人。

Jin Liu, PhD

PhD in Psychology from Peking University; psychoanalytic therapist in private practice for individual and group therapy. She has participated in Group Relations work in the Tavistock tradition since 2014 and has completed a series of trainings for consultants organized by the Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy (DGCGT) of the Chinese Association of Mental Health (CAMH). In Group Relations conferences, she has worked as cultural interpreter, consultant in training, consultant, assistant director of administration, and Large Study Group consultant team leader. In 2022, she directed two experiential Group Relations events, and was the consultant and IE convenor of the 2022 "China and the World" GRC.

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