Rene Molencamp PhD,

国际团体关系的联合创始人和执行董事 Cofounder and Executive Director of International Group Relations

国际团体关系的联合创始人和执行董事,A.K.Rice社会系统研究所的荣誉会员, A.K.Rice研究所华盛顿Baltimore中心的前主席。指导全美小型团体顾问培训、大型团体顾问培训、应用团体培训和主任培训。Rene每年在圣地亚哥大学(university of San Diego)主持两次大学会议,并兼任马里兰大学詹姆斯·麦格雷戈·伯恩斯领导学院的培训主任和高级研究员,同时担任霍华德·彼得斯·罗林斯公共领导奖学金项目主任和美国大学/国家培训实验室组织行为学硕士项目的教员。

Professor of Practice, School of Leadership and Education Science, University of San Diego. René is co-founder and executive director of Group Relations International and Fellow of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems. He has staffed and directed numerous conferences in the United States and internationally. He is former president of the Washington Baltimore Center of the AK Rice Institute, he has directed the National Conference in the US. He has directed Small Study Group Training, Large Study Group Training, Application Group Training and Director’s Training. He directs two university based conferences a year at the University of San Diego.  He was Training Director and Senior Fellow at the James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership, University of Maryland, and served as first program director of the Howard Peters Rawlings Fellowship Program in Public Leadership. He was also on the faculty of the American University/National Training Laboratory master’s program in Organizational Behavior. 

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